Water-Related Vaginal and Anorectal Injuries in Personal Watercraft
Introduced in the 1970s, the use of personal watercrafts (PWC) defined as water jet propulsion crafts or jet-skis have increased in popularity over time and especially in the past 20 years. In the United States for example, the number of registered PWC raised from 241,500 in 1990 to 1,300,000 nowadays. With frequency and severity of water accidents rising, PWC riders are currently 8.5 times more likely to traumatic injuries than motor boat riders. Main trauma mechanisms include direct collisions, perineal straddle a lesion, axial loading which can be associated with skeletal injuries, falls from PWC and direct hydrostatic jet nozzle injuries. Global jet-skiing traumas remain barely reported with about 1,000 case reports in literature and water-related traumas are still exceptional