Family Satisfaction towards Care Provided to Criticaly Ill Patients and Associated Factors in the ICU


Intensive care unit is a special department of hospitals which is responsible to care for seriously ill patients. Patients in the ICU needs constant close monitoring from specialist and nurses with supportive equipments and medication. The reason for admission world wide is different, the most common reason in Africa is head injury followed by respiratory failure, sepsis and obstetric couses. ICU mortality rate in developed countries accounts 8% to 20%. Amoung all deaths, the ICU mortality rate accounts 20% in US, between 30% to 50% in africa. From east african countries a study in Uganda indicates 25% to 68% of death from medical and surgical ICU and 37.7% death in one referral hospital in Ethiopia.

The patient treatment outcame affected by seriousness of illness and quality of care given for the patients. Patients perception about healthcare has been predominantly accepted as an important indicator for measuring quality of health care and a critical component of performance improvement and clinical effectiveness. Critically ill patients can not make their own decision or their openion about the health care service due to the seriousness of illness patients become unconscious or may stay on mechanical ventilation. ICU patients family members play critical role in daily descison making. Families satisfaction considered as an important indicator for assessing quality of care in the intensive care unit. Different studies shows that more common family satisfaction predictors are in need of information, support, proximity and comfort for patients and thier family members