Decision Making Under Uncertainty in Production of Crop Case Study: Maize Crop Production at Adet Werda


The success or failure that an individual or organization experiences, depends to a large extent on the ability of making appropriate decisions. Making of a decision requires an enumeration of feasible and viable alternatives (courses of action or introduction to decision analysis feasible and viable alternatives (courses of action or strategies), the projection of consequences associated with different alternatives, and a measure of effectiveness (or an objective) by which the most preferred alternative is identified. The field of decision analysis provides a framework for making important decisions. Decision analysis allows us to select a decision from a set of possible decision alternatives when uncertainties regarding the future exist. The goal is to optimize the resulting payoff in terms of a decision criterion. Decision analysis provides an analytical and systematic approach to the study of decision making.

Decisions under uncertainty, the decision makers have to select one of stated alternative course of action with the extended information about their profitability, outcomes, and costs, earn financial results. This paper describes decision making process under uncertainty of rain fall variation with annul production volume of variety of maize in Adet Wereda. The decision making models under uncertainty are Laplace criterion, maxi max criterion, maxi min criterion, Hurwicz criterion and regret criterion were used and compared in the case study of production volume of maize variety. The analyses were made on annual production volume of average of eight years for each type of maize variety and evaluate each alternative. The alternative five (PCS.6) is recommended to cultivate in that area, where the research center should produce the PCS.6 type of maize to get maximum production volume annually.